Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Electric Rock Guitar T-Shirt that plays like a real guitar

Electronic Rock Guitar T-Shirt

You may now purchase this fantastic futurist wireless guitar T-Shirt from many Online retailers.  Plus you can wash it, and it smells great every time you wear it too. It was a great news for me due to my sweat glands having a mind of it's own.  It is a real musical instrument that you can play real songs and your most favourite bands.  All sounds have been  rerecord from a real electric guitar.  It also includes a mini amp and magnetic pick included in the price.  

Mini amp

When you buy Electronic Rock Guitar T-Shirt you will get:
  • Two magnetic picks
  • Mini amp speakers on belt
  • play all major chords
  • Volume goes up to 11
Lets take a look and see for ourselves...

Think Geek

I can't state if I'm happy or distraught to see that we are now using musical virtual instruments for video gaming. Well, Rock BandGuitar Hero and Singstar have made a great impact to the video gaming industry and have sold millions of products all around the world.  My concerns are, will my children's children's get to feel a real musical instrument in the future.

3 month year old baby starve to death because parents Virtual child gaming habits!

Seoul South Korea Internet Cafe

Take a look at the below and be honest, would you choose this over your child?

Prius Avatar

Shocking Prius online gamer all around South Korea to have been told that a fellow gamer took it to the next level and forgot about their child at home.  The husband taxi driver Kim Yoo-chul 41, and his wife Choi Mi-sun 25 were convicted of abanding their daughter to starve at home.  It was alleged that the mother would feed the baby rotten milk and beat the child to keep it quite.  The parents would leave their baby at home for a 12 hour session at the internet cafe to raise their virtual child Anima.  When the parent got home in September 2010 to find the baby dead and called the police.  With tests and autopsy done it was concluded that the baby  died due to  prolonged malnutrition. Choi Mi-sun escape jail sentence because of her pregnancy.  
You may read more on 

Not a healthy lifestye

It's a very sad story and please everyone if you have friend or you know someone that not looking after their child or children due to video gaming, report them to the authority. 

Prius Online

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Video Gaming can improve focus for some ADHD sufferer

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD, AD/HD and ADD) people in England will find it hard on a day to day basis to focus or even think.  The signs of this disorder could be diagnosed from as young as seven years of age and more common with boys than girls.  Girls and women tend to hide it better then boys because the way the brain develops.  But some would argue that teachers didn't have the correct knowledge about ADHD or bias referrals from school broads.  The studies and research of ADHD started in the 1970 but wasn't taken seriously by parents or loved ones.

Three types of ADHD
1) PREDOMINANTLY INATTENTIVE TYPE: Dreamy, non listening, easily distracted, inattentive, subtle learning problems.
2) PREDOMINANTLY HYPERACTIVE IMPULSIVE TYPE: Fidgety, restless, impulsive and impatient. 
3) COMBINED TYPE, inattentive plus have special needs, as it affects their ability to learn. 

Living with ADHD

 Instead of taking Methylphenidate medication common called Ritalin prescribe by the Doctors to improve concentration why not game instead?  Treating ADHD promptly and appropriately with or without Ritalin depends on the needs of the individual.  Its not for everyone and if you do get side effects, contact your Doctor as soon as possible.  

How does this relate to kids with ADHD?
Video games are extremely stimulating, increases concentration and focus.

The negative of ADHD gamers?
Connecting to people online is more simple for ADHD gamers but going out isn't.