Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Gaming using human tongues for controllers

Kissing Video Game

Isn't everything now touchscreens.  Tv's, computers, mobile phones and etc.   Move over touchscreens because artist Hye Yeon Nam Kissing video game has created a video game input hardware that uses intimate moments between players to control a game. The Kiss Controller enables users to control a bowling game by moving their Tongues...

Of course it better for your eyes to see how this video game really works.  The Bowling Game denominates how two people french kissing and score a perfect strike. After the Nintendo Wii was released in 2006 with the wireless gaming, it has taken the world by storm with a insight into the future.  Ever since then Sony and Microsoft have followed the trend with the Motion Sensor and Kinect.  But with the Kiss Controller it connect two players to passionately kiss using human tongue's to communicate and play the game. The headset will include a Magnetic field Sensors around the head area and place at the side front of the mouth.  


Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Why pay to use Video gaming?

Is it just me or something but why do we need to pay XBOX LIVE to game online?  Don't we have enough bills as it is!  It's not cheap in the ENGLAND and £10 for 3 months or £40 for 12 months XBOX LIVE.  Also bare in mind, Playstation3 customers don't have to pay to go online and enjoy the use of BluRay technology.  Below are some of the most recent consoles that have how become a house hold name.  With the price of the internet increasing, how will the gaming manufactures survive and over comes its economic crisis?  

For example the next time when you log on to your gaming console, have a look and see where else in the world you can have a conversation, and find out how other countries pay for their internet usage.    

Can you imagine kids online with adults nowadays...

Is this our children's future?