Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Why pay to use Video gaming?

Is it just me or something but why do we need to pay XBOX LIVE to game online?  Don't we have enough bills as it is!  It's not cheap in the ENGLAND and £10 for 3 months or £40 for 12 months XBOX LIVE.  Also bare in mind, Playstation3 customers don't have to pay to go online and enjoy the use of BluRay technology.  Below are some of the most recent consoles that have how become a house hold name.  With the price of the internet increasing, how will the gaming manufactures survive and over comes its economic crisis?  

For example the next time when you log on to your gaming console, have a look and see where else in the world you can have a conversation, and find out how other countries pay for their internet usage.    

Can you imagine kids online with adults nowadays...

Is this our children's future?



  1. Be jealous of my free PS3 network :)

  2. Yes but think about what Microsoft offers the gamer...Kinnect is the first interactive virtual gaming technology available!
    Not only that, XBOX has the largest online gaming community out there.

    XBOX will always dominate.


  3. Yes Lily I am jealous of your free online gaming. I hope in the future Xbox will be free too...

  4. Jazzmine I can see your a true Xbox fan. Can't wait for the Kinect to kick in!

  5. I've always been a fan of PS3 from the crash team racing games to GTA OH YEAH! And guess what you don't need to pay to receive online gaming fun...XBOX may have the lead now but SONY have the 3D technology to come...


  6. I love my Xbox but as somebody who does not use online gaming, I guess this is not really a big deal for me. I am content to play the games I buy, I guess part of the reason why I don't make use of online gaming is down to the cost. So maybe until Microsoft decides to lower the price or make it free then I will continue to just go without.

  7. This is the whole reason why I don't go online with my 360.

    I also have PS3 and go online with that instead.

    Why? Simple, IT'S FREE
